Aldira Sunrise 4 February 2025

Economy: BPS recorded a 0.76% deflation mom in Jan 25
The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) stated that the consumer price index (CPI) in January
2025 recorded a deflation of 0.76% mom. The groups contributing to monthly deflation on
Jan 25 are the housing, water, electricity, and household fuel groups whose deflation was
9.16%, and contributed to deflation of 1.44%. The commodity that is the dominant contributor
to deflation in this group is electricity tariffs, which contribute to deflation of 1.47%. As is
known, the government is providing a 50% discount on electricity rates under 2,200 VA
during Jan-Feb 25. Other commodities that also contributed to deflation were tomatoes,
which had a deflation of 0.03%, cucumbers, train fares, and air transport fares, which
contributed 0.01% to inflation each. As for the annual basis, the CPI on Jan 25 recorded
inflation of 0.76% yoy. This inflation was recorded to be lower compared to Dec 24 at 1.57%
yoy. (Kontan)

HEXA booked USD 21.19M net profit
Hexindo Adiperkasa (HEXA) recorded a revenue of USD 369.23M in Apr-Dec 24 (-22.80% yoy).
This was mainly driven by sales of heavy equipment to third parties, which contributed USD
216.93M (-9.67% yoy). HEXA’s third-party spare parts sales were also recorded to have
decreased by 18.24% yoy to USD 79.69M. Meanwhile, the heavy equipment rental segment to
third parties recorded an increase of 37.98% yoy to USD 11.23M. In line with revenue, HEXA’s
cost of revenue also fell 21.78% yoy to USD 290.01M, while selling expenses also decreased to
USD 20.11M. However, HEXA’s net profit decreased by 51.67% yoy to USD 21.19M in Apr-Dec 24.
(Bisnis Indonesia)

LINK targets 8.4M home passed until 2027
Link Net (LINK) is determined to strengthen its position as a company in the
telecommunications network infrastructure sector (Fiberco). One of the strategies that LINK
focuses on is actively deploying a fiber optic network. The company continues to deploy a
fiber optic network from time to time, so it is hoped that the number of homes passed by the
fiber internet network route will increase. In 9M24, LINK has added 482,000 home passes,
higher than the achievement in 2023, namely 429,000 home passes. As a result, by the end
of 9M24, LINK had 4.03M home passes. The number of home passes is spread across 47 cities,
dominated by various cities on the island of Java and several large cities in Sumatra such as
Medan and Batam. This result is a positive achievement for LINK after the company
transferred 750,000 residential customers for broadband internet and cable TV services to
XL Axiata at the end of 9M24. LINK management targets to increase the number of home
passes to reach 8.4M home passes in 2027. This potential is quite open because LINK received
a commitment to deploy 2.4M home passes from its main tenant, namely XL Axiata. Apart
from that, LINK also received additional commitments from several other ISPs to deploy
home passes even though the figure is still below 1M home passes. LINK also remains careful
in the midst of such massive expansion activities. The company seeks to reduce network
deployment costs, monetize existing networks, and use new, more efficient methodologies.
The company also applies a turnkey and semi-turnkey multi-vendor approach to build a
faster fiber network. Furthermore, LINK is also diversifying by strengthening its EnterpriseCo
service business. Here, LINK offers end-to-end solutions to corporate or business-to-business
(B2B) customers which include connectivity services, information and communication
technology (ICT), and cyber security solutions, up to corporate TV. (Kontan)

PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: 021-39705858

Customer Service (WhatsApp): +6281292870248

Email: [email protected]

Subsidiaries :
Aldiracita Global Investment Pte Ltd

8 Temasek Boulevard, #04 – 01, Suntec Tower Three, Singapore 038988

PT Surya Timur Alam Raya Asset Management

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: (021)-39725678

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PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: 021-39705858

Customer Service (WhatsApp): +6281292870248

Email: [email protected]

Subsidiaries :
Aldiracita Global Investment Pte Ltd

8 Temasek Boulevard, #04 – 01, Suntec Tower Three, Singapore 038988

PT Surya Timur Alam Raya Asset Management

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: (021)-39725678

©Copyright 2024, PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

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PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: 021-39705858

Customer Service (WhatsApp): +6288801010088

Email: [email protected]

Subsidiaries :
Aldiracita Global Investment Pte Ltd

8 Temasek Boulevard, #04 – 01, Suntec Tower Three, Singapore 038988

PT Surya Timur Alam Raya Asset Management

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: (021)-39725678

©Copyright 2024, PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

Our Fixed Income Sales

Mario Martin
Head of Fixed Income Sales
Mindo Leona
VP of Fixed Income Sales
Schedule a consultation with our Fixed Income Sales

Rudy Utomo

President Director

Rudy Utomo graduated with a Master of Legal from Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta since 2018 and a bachelor degree of Management from Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta in 1998. He joined Aldira in 2020 as Director of Investment Banking and now as President Director since 2021. Rudy is a Chairman Coordinator at Indonesia Securities Companies Association (APEI). Rudy has more than 20+ years experience in Indonesia capital market focusing on Investment Banking and Operational. He holds capital market license for Underwriter Representative and Investment Manager Representative.

Livius Nurtanio

Senior Managing Director

Livius graduated from University of Toronto in 1995. He joined PT. Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia as Vice President Director from 4 October 2023. Livius has more than 20+ years of experience in Investment Banking both in Securities, Private Equity and Investment Banks in Indonesia, and overseas such as New York, Hongkong, Singapore as a Research Analyst, Head of Fixed Income, Financial Advisor, Senior Associate, Executive and Managing Director. He holds a capital market license for Broker-Dealer Representative and Underwriter Representative from OJK.

Heri Indarno Sulistyanto


Heri Indarno Sulistyanto graduated with a Bachelor degree from STIE Jagakarsa Jakarta in Accounting in 2000 and experienced more than 30 years within banking industry and securities. He also held several important positions in the capital market, such as Manager at PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia and Operational Director at securities company. He holds a capital market license for Broker-Dealer Representative and Underwriter Representative from OJK.

B Hari Mantoro

Independent Commissioner

Hari received his degree from the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia in 1988. He became the Independent Commissioner of PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia on 24 March 24 2023. He began his work in the financial industry in 1976 at a foreign bank in Jakarta and later worked for a security company in the capital market. Having worked in the financial market for over 30+ years, Hari has held positions as a President Director, Directors and Senior Manager. He is currently an competency assessor for Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Pasar Modal Indonesia (LSPPMI).