Aldira Sunrise 24 January 2025

• BBCA posted IDR 54.8T net profit in 2024
Bank Central Asia (BBCA) recorded a net profit of IDR 54.8T in 2024 (+12.7% yoy). This was in
line with the credit distribution of IDR 922T (+13.8% yoy). The company’s financing in 2024
was supported by corporate credit with the highest growth segment, namely 15.7% yoy to
IDR 426.8T. Commercial credit rose 8.9% yoy to reach IDR 137.9T. Meanwhile, the SME
segment grew 14.8% yoy to IDR 123.8T, while the consumer segment rose 12.4% yoy to IDR
223.7T. The growth in the consumer segment was driven by motor vehicle loans, which rose
14.8% to reach IDR 65.3T, and mortgages which grew 11.2% yoy to IDR 135T. In terms of
funding, BCA’s total collection of low-cost funds or CASA contributed around 82% of total
third-party funds, growing 4.4% to reach IDR 924T. Meanwhile, in terms of performance
ratios, the financing quality has improved with a loan at risk of 5.3% in 2024, an improvement
from 6.9% in 2023. BCA’s NPL is maintained at 1.8% in 2024. (Bisnis Indonesia)

• BREN collaborates with SLB to develop geothermal technology
Barito Renewables Energy (BREN) through its subsidiary Star Energy Geothermal,
collaborates with global energy technology company SLB. Star Energy and SLB collaborate
to accelerate the application of cutting-edge technology in the development of geothermal
assets. This collaboration would combine Star Energy Geothermal’s skills in geothermal
development, with SLB’s decades of experience in developing and industrializing
technological solutions for the energy sector. The collaboration aims to apply technology
that can change the economics of conventional geothermal projects and increase the
recovery rate of geothermal assets. Currently, BREN manages an installed geothermal
electricity capacity of 886 MW. In line with strategic expansion to support the energy
transition, BREN’s goal will be fulfilled by utilizing advanced technology to increase the
efficiency and economics of assets. Under this collaboration agreement, SLB and Star Energy
Geothermal will focus on developing and implementing technologies for subsurface
characterization, drilling and production of geothermal assets. (Kontan)

• HILL will conduct a 1:5 stock split
Hillcon (HILL) conveyed plans to conduct a stock split with a ratio of 1: 5. This corporate action
will result in changes in the number of shares and nominal value of HILL shares. With a ratio
of 1:5, the number of HILL shares will change from the previous 2,948,300,000 (2.94B) shares
to 14,741,500,000 (14.74B) shares after the stock split. The nominal value of HILL shares will
change from IDR 100 per share to IDR 20 per share after the stock split. HILL management
revealed that the stock split was carried out to increase the liquidity of HILL share trading on
the IDX, by increasing the number of shares in circulation. It is also hoped that the stock split
will increase the number of HILL shareholders. To carry out this corporate action, HILL will
first ask for approval at the Extraordinary GMS which is planned to be held on 3 Mar 25.

PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: 021-39705858

Customer Service (WhatsApp): +6281292870248

Email: [email protected]

Subsidiaries :
Aldiracita Global Investment Pte Ltd

8 Temasek Boulevard, #04 – 01, Suntec Tower Three, Singapore 038988

PT Surya Timur Alam Raya Asset Management

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: (021)-39725678

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PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: 021-39705858

Customer Service (WhatsApp): +6281292870248

Email: [email protected]

Subsidiaries :
Aldiracita Global Investment Pte Ltd

8 Temasek Boulevard, #04 – 01, Suntec Tower Three, Singapore 038988

PT Surya Timur Alam Raya Asset Management

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: (021)-39725678

©Copyright 2024, PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

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PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: 021-39705858

Customer Service (WhatsApp): +6288801010088

Email: [email protected]

Subsidiaries :
Aldiracita Global Investment Pte Ltd

8 Temasek Boulevard, #04 – 01, Suntec Tower Three, Singapore 038988

PT Surya Timur Alam Raya Asset Management

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: (021)-39725678

©Copyright 2024, PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

Our Fixed Income Sales

Mario Martin
Head of Fixed Income Sales
Mindo Leona
VP of Fixed Income Sales
Schedule a consultation with our Fixed Income Sales

Rudy Utomo

President Director

Rudy Utomo graduated with a Master of Legal from Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta since 2018 and a bachelor degree of Management from Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta in 1998. He joined Aldira in 2020 as Director of Investment Banking and now as President Director since 2021. Rudy is a Chairman Coordinator at Indonesia Securities Companies Association (APEI). Rudy has more than 20+ years experience in Indonesia capital market focusing on Investment Banking and Operational. He holds capital market license for Underwriter Representative and Investment Manager Representative.

Livius Nurtanio

Senior Managing Director

Livius graduated from University of Toronto in 1995. He joined PT. Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia as Vice President Director from 4 October 2023. Livius has more than 20+ years of experience in Investment Banking both in Securities, Private Equity and Investment Banks in Indonesia, and overseas such as New York, Hongkong, Singapore as a Research Analyst, Head of Fixed Income, Financial Advisor, Senior Associate, Executive and Managing Director. He holds a capital market license for Broker-Dealer Representative and Underwriter Representative from OJK.

Heri Indarno Sulistyanto


Heri Indarno Sulistyanto graduated with a Bachelor degree from STIE Jagakarsa Jakarta in Accounting in 2000 and experienced more than 30 years within banking industry and securities. He also held several important positions in the capital market, such as Manager at PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia and Operational Director at securities company. He holds a capital market license for Broker-Dealer Representative and Underwriter Representative from OJK.

B Hari Mantoro

Independent Commissioner

Hari received his degree from the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia in 1988. He became the Independent Commissioner of PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia on 24 March 24 2023. He began his work in the financial industry in 1976 at a foreign bank in Jakarta and later worked for a security company in the capital market. Having worked in the financial market for over 30+ years, Hari has held positions as a President Director, Directors and Senior Manager. He is currently an competency assessor for Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Pasar Modal Indonesia (LSPPMI).