• ANTM builds a precious metal manufacturing factory in Gresik
Aneka Tambang (ANTM) will build a precious metal manufacturing factory in Java Integrated
Industrial and Ports Estate (JIIPE), Gresik, East Java as part of the expansion of the existing
precious metal processing and refining business unit (UBPP) manufacturing facilities. The
manufacturing facility being built in Gresik, once operational, will optimize the processing of
gold raw materials from PTFI. Previously, Antam had signed a land purchase agreement with
JIIPE on 27 Dec 24. This strategic location was chosen based on security considerations and
ease of access. The presence of Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) copper refining facilities in the area
adds strategic value to ANTM. The smelter provides direct access to high-quality gold raw
materials with a grade of 99.99%. In this way, Antam can reduce dependence on imports
while encouraging the use of domestic products. (Kontan)
• AUTO strengthens exports amidst sluggish domestic automotive market
Astra Otoparts (AUTO) is increasingly pushing for export performance from manufacturing
and trading businesses amidst the weakening domestic automotive market. So far, the
company has marketed its products to more than 50 countries, including the Middle East,
Asia-Pacific, Africa, Europe and South America. It is actively looking at market potential and
products that can enter certain countries, with Asia and Africa as target areas with great
potential. It also hopes that business performance will not be significantly affected by
consumer demand amidst the VAT adjustment to 12%. For 2025, the company will continue
to carry out operational excellence and increase business efficiency in the manufacturing
and trading business lines so that it can produce and provide products at competitive prices.
Another strategy taken is to diversify the business. So far, AUTO has entered the nonautomotive
component market, namely medical devices and trains. (Bisnis Indonesia)
• CTRA achieved IDR 11.02T marketing sales in 2024
Ciputra Development (CTRA) has again set a new record by achieving marketing sales of IDR
11.02T in 2024 (+8% yoy), achieving 99.2% of the FY24 target of IDR 11.1T. The marketing sales
achievements throughout 2024 were supported by a geographic diversification strategy with
realization in Sumatra reaching IDR 2.1T (+85% yoy). By segmentation, landed houses and
land sales contributed 82% of CTRA’s total marketing sales in 2024, followed by shophouses
at 13%, apartments at 3%, and offices at 2%. (Bisnis Indonesia)