Aldira Sunrise 15 January 2025

• MEDC Injects USD 435.28M to its subsidiary
Medco Energi Internasional (MEDC) provided a loan with a maximum value of USD 435.28M
or around IDR 7.09T to its subsidiary, namely Medco Bell. This loan increased the receivables
position, although it did not have a negative impact on MEDC’s financial condition. The loan
agreement was signed by MEDC together with Medco Bell on 13 Jan 25. The agreement is
valid until the loan is repaid in full according to the company’s request. This loan will be used
by Medco Bell to tender, refinance, and/or pay its debt. (Bisnis Indonesia)
• PRDA will focus on innovation in 2025
Prodia Widyahusada (PRDA) has prepared several strategies to support performance growth
in 2025. Prodia Business & Marketing Director, Widyahusada Indriyanti Rafi Sukmawati, said
PRDA sees a big opportunity in esoteric tests, as part of precision and preventive medicine.
The company plans to optimize the acquisition of the number of tests for customers to
encourage revenue growth in 2025. In addition, to meet customers’ more comprehensive
health needs, the company will consistently launch innovations with a minimum of 10 tests
yearly. This step was taken as PRDA’s commitment to maintaining personalized and precise
health diagnostic services and also updating the quality of the latest laboratory technology.
Furthermore, PRDA is also committed to expanding the market by reaching new customer
segments. One of them is by intensively optimizing B2B service segmentation through
various partnership opportunities, especially for the third-party channel segment. Currently,
PRDA is also conducting studies to become a reference laboratory in Southeast Asia (SEA
Referral Laboratory) through establishing partnerships and providing superior service to
customers in the Southeast Asia region. (Kontan)
• TAPG conducts affiliate transaction of IDR 150B
Triputra Agro Persada (TAPG) provided loans of IDR 150B to its two subsidiaries. The Loan
Facility Agreement transaction was carried out by the controlled company Triputra Agro,
namely Dwiwira Lestari Jaya. TAPG Corporate Secretary, Joni Tjeng, said Dwiwira Lestari
provided a loan to Muaratoyu Subur Lestari. This transaction occurred on 14 Jan 25. Based on
the agreement made between Dwiwira Lestari and Muaratoyu Subur, the maximum value of
the loan facility provided is IDR 150B. Dwiwira Lestari is a controlled company owned by TAPG
through Agro Multi Persada with ownership of 99.99%. Meanwhile, Agro Multi Persada and
Muaratoyu Subur are controlled by TAPG with ownership of 94.93% and 99.99%, respectively.

PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: 021-39705858

Customer Service (WhatsApp): +6281292870248

Email: [email protected]

Subsidiaries :
Aldiracita Global Investment Pte Ltd

8 Temasek Boulevard, #04 – 01, Suntec Tower Three, Singapore 038988

PT Surya Timur Alam Raya Asset Management

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: (021)-39725678

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PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: 021-39705858

Customer Service (WhatsApp): +6281292870248

Email: [email protected]

Subsidiaries :
Aldiracita Global Investment Pte Ltd

8 Temasek Boulevard, #04 – 01, Suntec Tower Three, Singapore 038988

PT Surya Timur Alam Raya Asset Management

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: (021)-39725678

©Copyright 2024, PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

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PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: 021-39705858

Customer Service (WhatsApp): +6288801010088

Email: [email protected]

Subsidiaries :
Aldiracita Global Investment Pte Ltd

8 Temasek Boulevard, #04 – 01, Suntec Tower Three, Singapore 038988

PT Surya Timur Alam Raya Asset Management

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: (021)-39725678

©Copyright 2024, PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

Our Fixed Income Sales

Mario Martin
Head of Fixed Income Sales
Mindo Leona
VP of Fixed Income Sales
Schedule a consultation with our Fixed Income Sales

Rudy Utomo

President Director

Rudy Utomo graduated with a Master of Legal from Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta since 2018 and a bachelor degree of Management from Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta in 1998. He joined Aldira in 2020 as Director of Investment Banking and now as President Director since 2021. Rudy is a Chairman Coordinator at Indonesia Securities Companies Association (APEI). Rudy has more than 20+ years experience in Indonesia capital market focusing on Investment Banking and Operational. He holds capital market license for Underwriter Representative and Investment Manager Representative.

Livius Nurtanio

Senior Managing Director

Livius graduated from University of Toronto in 1995. He joined PT. Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia as Vice President Director from 4 October 2023. Livius has more than 20+ years of experience in Investment Banking both in Securities, Private Equity and Investment Banks in Indonesia, and overseas such as New York, Hongkong, Singapore as a Research Analyst, Head of Fixed Income, Financial Advisor, Senior Associate, Executive and Managing Director. He holds a capital market license for Broker-Dealer Representative and Underwriter Representative from OJK.

Heri Indarno Sulistyanto


Heri Indarno Sulistyanto graduated with a Bachelor degree from STIE Jagakarsa Jakarta in Accounting in 2000 and experienced more than 30 years within banking industry and securities. He also held several important positions in the capital market, such as Manager at PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia and Operational Director at securities company. He holds a capital market license for Broker-Dealer Representative and Underwriter Representative from OJK.

B Hari Mantoro

Independent Commissioner

Hari received his degree from the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia in 1988. He became the Independent Commissioner of PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia on 24 March 24 2023. He began his work in the financial industry in 1976 at a foreign bank in Jakarta and later worked for a security company in the capital market. Having worked in the financial market for over 30+ years, Hari has held positions as a President Director, Directors and Senior Manager. He is currently an competency assessor for Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Pasar Modal Indonesia (LSPPMI).