Aldira 27 Desember 2024

INPP allocates IDr 1T capex budget in FY25
Indonesia Paradise Property (INPP) plans to complete the development of several malls it
manages. Of these projects, some are targeted for completion in 2024 or some later. The
company is currently developing the 23 Paskal – Extension shopping center in Bandung. This
development process is targeted to be completed in 2025. This mall will be expanded with a
net leasable area or NLA of 5,000 sqm. Apart from that, the company is also building a
commercial mall project in Semarang with NLA of close to 50,000 sqm, targeted to be
operational in 2026. In 2025, the company will also open retail spaces from the Antasari Place
apartment in Jakarta. The Antasari Place retail space project is also planned to have an NLA
of around 5,000 sqm. To date, INPP has recorded that the average occupancy of the malls it
manages has reached 93% in Sep 24, significantly recovered compared to 2020-2022, which
was quite difficult due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For next year, INPP is targeting a net profit
growth target of 10-20%. The capex allocated for 2025 will be around IDR 1T allocated to carry
out these projects. (Kontan)

ULTJ enters the organic milk segment
Ultra Jaya Milk Industry & Trading Company (ULTJ) will carry out product innovations at the
end of 2024. One of them is by entering the organic milk segment. On Nov 24, ULTJ
introduced the first local organic milk in Indonesia. This launch coincides with Ultra Core
milk, which is none other than Ultrajaya’s collaboration with Ultraman. ULTJ management
sees that consumer demand for organic products is increasing. This trend also occurs in
developed countries. The presence of organic milk as ULTJ’s premium milk is expected to
increase the company’s profit margin. This year, ULTJ’s bottom line fell 6% yoy to IDR 881.2B
due to the aggressive product discounts provided by the company to increase sales as well
as to maintain market share. Until Sep 24, ULTJ’s UHT products still led the market with a
share of 36%, followed by Frisian Flag (16%), Indomilk (12%), Milku (10%), and Cimory (8%). From
the packaged tea market, ULTJ Teh Kotak is firmly at the top with a share of 62% followed by
Teh Botol at 31%. Meanwhile, the remaining 7% of the market is being fought over by various
competitors. For 2024, the company is targeting sales growth of 7-10% compared to 2023
which amounted to IDR 8.3T. In 2025, ULTJ targets double-digit growth, both in terms of sales
and net profit. (IDX Channel)

UNTR sold 4,167 Komatsu Units as of 11M24
United Tractors (UNTR) recorded a sales volume of heavy equipment under the Komatsu
brand of 4,167 units in 11M24. Based on the monthly operational report, sales of UNTR heavy
equipment decreased 17.66% yoy compared to the realization for 11M23 of 5,061 units.
Meanwhile, in November alone, UNTR sold 403 Komatsu units. These sales were mainly from
the mining business at 66%, followed by the construction business at 21%, agribusiness at
10%, and 3% from the forestry business. Meanwhile, Komatsu’s market share year to date is
27%, the same as the previous month. For 2025, UNTR targets a Komatsu sales volume of
4,600 units, up from the estimated 4,350 units sold in FY23. (Bisnis Indonesia)

PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: 021-39705858

Customer Service (WhatsApp): +6281292870248

Email: [email protected]

Subsidiaries :
Aldiracita Global Investment Pte Ltd

8 Temasek Boulevard, #04 – 01, Suntec Tower Three, Singapore 038988

PT Surya Timur Alam Raya Asset Management

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: (021)-39725678

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PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: 021-39705858

Customer Service (WhatsApp): +6281292870248

Email: [email protected]

Subsidiaries :
Aldiracita Global Investment Pte Ltd

8 Temasek Boulevard, #04 – 01, Suntec Tower Three, Singapore 038988

PT Surya Timur Alam Raya Asset Management

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: (021)-39725678

©Copyright 2024, PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

Connect with us



PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: 021-39705858

Customer Service (WhatsApp): +6288801010088

Email: [email protected]

Subsidiaries :
Aldiracita Global Investment Pte Ltd

8 Temasek Boulevard, #04 – 01, Suntec Tower Three, Singapore 038988

PT Surya Timur Alam Raya Asset Management

Menara Tekno Lt. 9 Jl. Fachrudin No. 19 Jakarta Pusat 10250

Phone: (021)-39725678

©Copyright 2024, PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia

Our Fixed Income Sales

Mario Martin
Head of Fixed Income Sales
Mindo Leona
VP of Fixed Income Sales
Schedule a consultation with our Fixed Income Sales

Rudy Utomo

President Director

Rudy Utomo graduated with a Master of Legal from Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta since 2018 and a bachelor degree of Management from Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta in 1998. He joined Aldira in 2020 as Director of Investment Banking and now as President Director since 2021. Rudy is a Chairman Coordinator at Indonesia Securities Companies Association (APEI). Rudy has more than 20+ years experience in Indonesia capital market focusing on Investment Banking and Operational. He holds capital market license for Underwriter Representative and Investment Manager Representative.

Livius Nurtanio

Senior Managing Director

Livius graduated from University of Toronto in 1995. He joined PT. Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia as Vice President Director from 4 October 2023. Livius has more than 20+ years of experience in Investment Banking both in Securities, Private Equity and Investment Banks in Indonesia, and overseas such as New York, Hongkong, Singapore as a Research Analyst, Head of Fixed Income, Financial Advisor, Senior Associate, Executive and Managing Director. He holds a capital market license for Broker-Dealer Representative and Underwriter Representative from OJK.

Heri Indarno Sulistyanto


Heri Indarno Sulistyanto graduated with a Bachelor degree from STIE Jagakarsa Jakarta in Accounting in 2000 and experienced more than 30 years within banking industry and securities. He also held several important positions in the capital market, such as Manager at PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia and Operational Director at securities company. He holds a capital market license for Broker-Dealer Representative and Underwriter Representative from OJK.

B Hari Mantoro

Independent Commissioner

Hari received his degree from the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia in 1988. He became the Independent Commissioner of PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia on 24 March 24 2023. He began his work in the financial industry in 1976 at a foreign bank in Jakarta and later worked for a security company in the capital market. Having worked in the financial market for over 30+ years, Hari has held positions as a President Director, Directors and Senior Manager. He is currently an competency assessor for Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi Pasar Modal Indonesia (LSPPMI).